How To Revamp Your Hotel Sales Strategy

January 5, 2022
How To Revamp Your Hotel Sales Strategy

Creating a modern hotel sales strategy has never been more crucial than in our current digital age. Sites like Airbnb and Home Away have crafted a highly digitized and personalized guest experience which has stiffened the competition in the hospitality industry.

Hotel sales teams are still tasked with reaching target metrics despite the new wave of competition. To be successful, consider revamping your hotel sales strategy as a way to optimize your leads and get more bookings.

Are you looking for some inspo on how you can optimize your sales strategy? We’ve got you covered.

Here are three tips on how to revamp your sales strategy:

1- When It Comes To Sales, Don’t Overlook Marketing

Marketing is often overlooked by hotels because the RIO is not obvious at first. When considered in the long run, a solid marketing plan helps you build brand awareness, manage your reputation, and overall helps facilitate prospects along the sales cycle.

The pandemic has offered an opportunity for hotel marketing professionals to engage and optimize their SEO and social media content when businesses may be slower to capture more opportunities when travel and bookings increase.

A study by revealed that 52% of global travelers feel they need to make up for vacation time in some way which is good news for hotels who are still looking for their business to recover due to the pandemic. In an article for LODGING, Stephanie Versin, senior vice president of marketing for Sightline Hospitality pointed out: “ Brands that stay engaged will be the first to benefit during the rebound. People will remember those who were still there with them during the tough times.”

Essentially, good marketing helps drive sales. Take advantage of social media and work towards optimizing SEO for an easier time getting guests through the sales cycle.

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2 - Utilize Sales Pipeline & CRM Technology

The power of a sales pipeline and CRM software system cannot be overstated enough. If you want your hotel sales team to operate to the best of its ability, you’re going to want to have some type of technology to allow your team to stay organized and make informed decisions.

Unsure what this technology is and how it can help?

A customer relationship management (CRM) system is a platform that gives your team the ability to save contact information, administer tasks, interact with customers and prospects, and collect data to make business decisions. When prospecting and looking for clients, a CRM can help facilitate standard operating procedures (SOPs) and keep your team organized. A smoother system drives more bookings and mitigates administrative tasks for your sales team.

A sales pipeline is usually incorporated into a CRM system. It creates a streamlined and repeatable sales process that makes it easier for you to schedule meetings, track inquiries and get proposals accepted, all in one place. You can see what prospects are where in the sales cycle and set reminders so you and your sales team.

Having a sales pipeline & CRM built into your PMS will allow you to create more personalized experiences for your guests - which is important when keeping up with competitors and creating a memorable guest experience. Read more about why a personalized guest experience is important by clicking here.

If you don’t already have this technology, you and your team could be spending much less time looking up contacts on different platforms, searching for information, and cross-referencing data. Having it all in one place is a sure way to keep your sales team focused on more important things like building relationships and increasing bookings.

3 - Adapt To Your Guests’ Expectations

“These are unprecedented times”... said literally, everyone. You know it, we know it, your guests know it.

Adapting to new situations is part of the fun and challenge of running a hotel. So, make sure your sales strategy reflects the current pandemic protocols and reassures your guests about their safety and wellbeing.

According to, 66% of Americans said that technology helps alleviate anxiety around traveling during the pandemic. This is great news for your hotel because that’s something you can control.

Communicating with your guests and prospects about the latest COVID safety measures - on your website, social media sites, and throughout the sales cycle.

Make sure you’re highlighting the key amenities of your hotel to your clients whether it’s re-creating your group booking packages to meet the needs of your guests or communicating how social distancing measures will take place in your venues.

Focus on guest experiences to really optimize your sales. If you have a lot of guest reviews that have a similar request, act on their feedback. Making improvements based on feedback is a great way to build your reputation and facilitate guests to book with you again.


A strong hotel sales strategy has always been influential in helping your team reach its potential. Boosting your hotel sales strategy should consider how new technology and guest expectations have changed the market.

Have more tips? Share your thoughts on hotel sales strategies in the comments below.

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