Hotel SaaS is the Future of Hospitality

July 24, 2020
Hotel SaaS is the Future of Hospitality
hotel saas

Who here remembers when they had to install a new program to their desktop computer and had to use a CD-rom or floppy disk to do so? We took you back in time there didn’t we? Now imagine the process of how huge companies and corporations had to install mega software and hardware when purchasing a new piece of technology. We’re talking about legacy systems with hefty fees, weeks of on-site installation, followed by weeks of on-site training - and if it turns out they hated the system… well it’s too late because they’ve already invested all this time and money installing the atrocious thing. We’re cringing thinking about it too. Enter: Hotel Software as a Service (SaaS), the future of hospitality.

Software technology has been revolutionized thanks to how internet access is literally available anywhere and everywhere. Thanks to the introduction of the cloud, hotel SaaS now offers hotels a modern, easy, and considerably less expensive way to incorporate technology into their business. Now, all users have to do is access the application on their computer, login, and boom they can work from anywhere at any time. Did we also mention that these services are on a subscription basis? Meaning: they can opt out if they are unhappy with the service. If that hasn’t convinced you already, keep reading for more on why hotel SaaS is the future for hoteliers.

3 Top Reasons that Hotel SaaS is the future

1 - Low Cost

Hotel Saas only requires the internet to function. Simple as that. Saas is based on a subscription pricing model, essentially getting rid of expensive licensing fees. Historically, hotels would have to purchase the system and also the pay to build and maintain the IT infrastructure required to support the software. The accumulation of these costs year to year could get upwards of six figures. The low entry point of hotel SaaS allows hotels of all sizes to be able to find a software solution that suits their needs.

2- Flexible and Efficient

Customer expectations have definitely changed over the last decade and that means that hoteliers expectations of the technology they use has also changed with it. With cloud-based systems, hoteliers are now armed with systems that are flexible in their capabilities and are way more efficient in what they can do. Staff can perform their jobs anytime and anywhere, allowing for an elevated and personalized guest experience. A cloud-based system automates many laborious tasks, freeing up your staff to prioritize more important tasks like focussing on offering the best guest experience, and for you to focus on revenue generating activities, not admin.

hotel saas
3 - Continuously Adapting

SaaS vendors are continuously building their product by building new integrations, releasing new features, and providing bug fixes - all at no extra cost to you. Integrations are key here as they will allow your systems to easily communicate with other essential systems in your tech stack - all at little to no cost. Their ability to continuously adapt means that many hotels can also customize their systems to meet their specific needs. This allows hotels to use systems that can scale. Hotel SaaS systems are not a one trick pony, which is a significant change to traditional legacy systems of the past that we developed once, and left alone against the test of time.

The reason behind why hotel SaaS adoption has taken over the industry? It simply works and offers a win-win-win solution to hoteliers. It offers the solution to all the qualms that hoteliers have had to deal with for decades. Hotel SaaS is modernizing the way that hospitality operates for the better and if you’re someone that is shopping for a new system for your hotel. Instead of asking yourself “why SaaS”, you should be asking “what SaaS software is right for my hotel?”.

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